{Behind The Scenes} "What is 'closure' after assault?"

Closure is a cousin of perfection. Unattainable, in part, because the goal posts keep moving. And try as we might, we can't effort our way into it. We can’t effort our way to closure because the control we have over our feelings and outcomes is limited. But we can do something else instead.

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"It's complicated,"

This is the answer that's given when there are several reasons something might be the way that it is. Sometimes we later name those reasons. Sometimes we say, "it's complicated," as a hint that we don't want to discuss it any further. And hope they get that hint. But I am going to tell you is that it's not that complicated.

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{Summer reading post} The Books In My Bag

My beach go-to's aren't Harlequin romances. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) They are the free weights of reading. Books that merit more attention than my typical 30 minutes before bed. Pieces I want to dive into, take notes on and mull over.

Here are a few of those weighty reads in case you're like-minded:

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