My monthly sum up of what I read the previous month.
Read moreLessons for MLK Day: Never Stop Questioning
History is told by white men. Which means they dictate the words we learn and stories we remember. But we must push back. As gospel great Mahalia Jackson modeled when she called out to Dr King, “tell them about the dream, Martin,” and he did.
Read moreWerk...The System
Unless you're a white cis-het dude, the system was not designed to work for you. But when we figure out the system doesn’t work for us, we learn how to work the system.
Read moreHow Do You Know When To Let Something Go?
What metrics do we need to determine if we should let something go? Or not pursue it in the first place? I have some ideas but - spoiler- not The Answer. (In part because I’m not sure there is only one.)
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