A #Durham resource for #families: Diaper Bank of North Carolina

In today's post I wanted to share a local resource that might be known to readers, even if they are local-

Did you know 1 in 3 families has a diaper need?

A diaper need means that a family with a child in diapers does not have enough money to keep that child in clean diapers. Diapers are expensive...costing more than $100 per baby/child. New moms know how fast they can burn through diapers, especially with newborns! The double whammy is that not only are diapers expensive but they aren't covered by any federal assistance programs like WIC or food stamps. Here in North Carolina, the need is significant. Our state ranks 39th in the US for child poverty which means we have a lot of families that need help diapering their kids!

The Diaper Bank of North Carolina is a local organization started in 2013 by Durham mom and child welfare advocate, Michelle Old. Like one of my other favorite organizations, Dress for Success Triangle, The Diaper Bank does not just hand out diapers to moms who come to the door. They work with partner agencies who then get those diapers into the hands of moms that need them.

Diapers are a big deal. Just imagine the heartache and stress that a new mom would feel when she goes to change her baby and notices that she's on her last diaper...and doesn't know when, where and how she would get more. It's hard just to type that sentence! That's on top of other common new mom stressors and socio-economic stressors. 

If you have any extra that your child has outgrown, would you consider giving them to Diaper Bank of North Carolina? You can also bring them to my office and I'll bring them to Michelle and her team at Diaper Bank. If you're coming to an upcoming New Moms group or Toddler group, I can take them off your hands then too. #DiaperOn! Thank you.

Touching a Tree

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