Why do we say "yes" to everything?

Why do we say "yes" to everything?

Take a look at the quiz in the picture below.

How would you answer? Your choice tells me a lot about you. But those things may not be what you think.

Why do you say _yes_ to so much_.png

While there are no wrong answers to this question (only your beliefs about your own actions), there is a most accurate answer. An answer that is actually true for all of us. But before we get there, what answer did you choose?

Did you choose "d: all of the above"? This is the choice that most women respond with. If you did, too, congratulations! You are in very good company. And "d" is not the most accurate answer. The most accurate answer is actually "e: none of the above".

None of the above.

I want you to imagine your "yes" as a lasagna. And there’s a lot that goes into a lasagna! Before you eat it, you need to assemble the ingredients: tomato sauce, lasagna noodles, cheeses, etc.

Now imagine all the ingredients in your "yes" lasagna as factors that influence the “yes”. The lasagna noodles are your community. The cheese is white supremacist capitalist patriarchy. The sauce is your lived history.

Join me on Thursday February 25 at 7:30 EST for a live workshop: "It's not People-pleasing, it's Patriarchy: The Real Reasons for All Those Yeses and No's." We'll talk more about what influences your "yeses" and "no's" and learn what you can do to feel less guilt, overwhelm and exhaustion. Catch the replay here!

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