Product recommendation: Breastfeeding Solutions App

Nancy Mohrbacher of _Breastfeeding Made Simple_, my go-to book for all questions related to breastfeeding has released a terrific app for breastfeeding moms: Breastfeeding Solutions.  It is an excellent resource!  I follow Nancy (and her co-author Kathleen Kendall-Tackett) on Twitter and Facebook and am constantly amazed by how much incredibly helpful information that they just give away.  Breastfeeding Solutions app, while not completely free*, is no exception.


Nancy is an IBCLC (trained lactation consultant) so the information in Breastfeeding Solutions is not only accurate and current but also relevant to all kinds of breastfeeding challenges. Have pain when trying to wean?  It's answered on the app.  Am I pumping enough milk?  It's on the app.  What about my baby only likes one breast?  It's on the app.  If I had known about this awesome tool when I was a new mom, I would have been an immediate convert.

I always recommend to new and expecting moms that they book a consult with a lactation consultant when their baby is born.  It's advice that's not always taken...for many reasons.  But if you're one of those new moms on the fence about such a step, check out the Breastfeeding Solutions app in the interim.  It's no subsititute for a trained professional when things are bad but at least it will offer you some options for help. Way better than Googling it!  Check it out here via Nancy's Pinterest page.  I'm totally sold.

*Act before 12/31 and save almost 30%.

Breastfeeding in public

Reality? Check!